
Tarun Sharma @indiTechCoder is a programmer, technologist, writer and more.

Full Stack Developer

Technical Skills


  • Web App Development (MEAN/MERN/JAM Stack Expert )
  • Linux Server Administration & Shell scripting (☁ AWS or any VPS) AWS Trainer
  • AWS, Git, Jenkins, Docker, AWS Advance knowledge,Circle CI,Travis CI,
  • Agile Process Rally Agile process
  • Restful API Development (Node js & Java)
  • Strong Javascript & ES 5/6/7 practical knowledge (Babel, Webpack, Browserify, System js)
  • Angular.js, React.js(Flux, Redux), TypeScript, Angular 1.5, Core javascript (ES5 + ES2015)
  • Node.js, Sails.js, Mean.io, Hapi.js, Koa js
  • MongoDb, Redis, Elasticsearch, MySql
  • IOS and Android Hybrid Mobile App Development ( Ionic Framework, React native)
  • Mocha (TDD) Chai, Jest
  • Grunt, Gulp, Webpack
  • Github, Bitbucket, SVN
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Ability to research and adapt new techs
  • Good Communicator


RESTful API Design, CI/CD, Agile Methodology, Microservices Architecture, Secure Authentication, Testing (unit, integration, end-to-end, snapshot, DOM) Databases (MySQL, Mongo BD, Redis cache), search engine Elastic

Experience in Product Domain

Sr Developer

**Mercanis ** - Feb 2021 - Present | Delhi, India [REMOTE]

  • About 10 years of experience in development, designing and implementing solution with JavaScript as full stack development- and particularly strong at - JavaScript frameworks Angular ,React and server side Node JS with GraphQL and Microservices based Architecture
  • currently working with product development in javascript using React, Node JS and different tools and technologies in javascript domain.

Experience in Service Domain

Lead Enginner

** Srijan Technologies Technology, Inc** - 2016 - Feb 2021 | Delhi, India

  • Worked on Different projects for different Clients in JavaScript and Node JS, Like News Portal server side rendering using Node JS, IOT Devices Data monitoring Dashboard, Beauty Brand Learning Portal websites and virtual try on augmented reality Web Portal
  • Currently working with Different beauty brands to build a learning solutions for their retail owners about their different products.
  • We re-write the application from legacy version and built using latest stack using react and Graphql Apollo Middleware server also building new website for new Brands.

Tech Lead

** Srijan Technologies Technology, Inc** - 2016 - Present | Delhi, India

  • Developing Client project using Node js as backend and React js with Redux as front end state manager, Managing devOps on AWS infrastructure
  • Working as full stack developer writing APIs and application in JavaScript using Node JS
  • Published Reusable NPM Modules to be used across projects using storybook
  • I developed UI Componenets for different application using react and Angular also wrote APIs and did Integaration with Diffferent services

Sr Developer

UnitedHealth Group - Nov 2014 - June 2016 | India, Delhi_

  • Developed of Integrated Eligibility Health care project for supporting US government health care operation in multiple states (scrum agile project)
  • Supported Front UI based development using angular JS and front end Ajax Spring MVC calls.
  • developed and supported for the development of spring and Hibernate related back end work
  • I developed UI using react framework and other open source library with Angular 2.0 and I also provided training on Angular 2.0 and react js framework
  • Worked on several web services being used in application for processing client request and processing them with MUEL ESB

Sr Developer

Amdocs DVCI Delhi - July 2012 - Nov 2014 | India, Delhi_

  • Developed and supported CBS-Billing Critical ATT T application for south East billing tool being used by more than 40000 Customer care representative in South East Region USA
  • Supported enterprise application framework SOA based application running on web services .Net based front end of application is supported and provided functional input to clients
  • Developed and supported Fusion and MQ based Queue framework for supporting clients request and for Bill Load in IBM DB2 servers
  • Worked with Business transaction processing in back end Being Done with EJB-2.0
  • Worked with major release and took all responsibilities including communication with clients and provide them successful deployments
  • Developed internal projects using Spring MVC, Hibernate as ORM and DB2 with REST API development in java-

@indiTechCoder is presenting at #DrupalCampGoa today. Our resident JavaScript expert will be talking about "Reusing Components between Angular, React, Vue, Ember, and Web-Components". Join him in the Beta room-3:30- 4:50. https://t.co/2k2VqF8kY1 pic.twitter.com/LP1VxYdyNO

— SRIJAN (@Srijan) March 10, 2018


B Tech in Compute Science Enggineer

RTU University - 2008 - 2012 | India, Jaipur